Tuesday 10 January 2012

in conclusion

From this project I have gained valuable experience in the design processes involved in creating a piece of multimedia design. I have been able to show my creative thinking processes, with the use of mind maps, and rough designs. By working in a team I have show different communication skills (mobile phone, Facebook) and producing work together.

I gained feedback from family and friends back home as well as within my group in out of lecture meetings. I found this feedback valuable when making decisions regarding the re branding of babycham.

I feel that I could have produced more blog post up to date with the sessions, this would be a good way to improve my time keeping. Allowing me to utilise my time better.

On a whole I have enjoyed the module, with all of the main activities boosting my confidence and presentation skills. I feel that I have produced a good body of work for the assessed project which can be found on this blog and in my learning journal.

Poster Ideas

The last designs i have completed were Advertisment posters for the product. I had to consider the target market, product and the brand image when designing.

My logo and colour schemes had already been considered this made the design process much easier for me.

I was pleased with my designs as i felt that the reflected all of the above well. I could not choose a final design as I was unsure as to which was my favourite. But taking the project brief into consideration I do not have to make final decisions.

My favourite designs out of the ones I have drawn are the ones labelled (1) and (4) in my learning journal. These particular designs were better as they were  aesthetically pleasing , when showing off the new product.

Label designs

I knew the style in which I wanted the labels for my bottles to look like. This saved me time when drawing up my ideas. On the bottle iI would use 4 labels , 3 on the front and one on the back of the bottle. The one on the back would just contain information about the product ( what it contains etc...) where as the other three on the front of the bottle would be for marketing purposes only.

The three labels would be place as follows:

  • one around the neck
  • one big centre oval design 
  • smaller rectangular design
All of which will include text, colour schemes and logos talked about in my previous blogs. All of the work is also shown in my learning journal.


existing taglines:

  • Carlsberg- That calls for a carlsberg 
  • Fosters- He who thinks australian drinks australian
  • Schloer- the adults soft drink
  • WKD- have you got a WKD side?

using these existing taglines I can see how they relate the their products. I can now use this to help me come up with my own tagline for Zodiac.

Ideas for a tag line:

  • Puts the stars in your eyes- referring to the name zodiac
  • Let the bubbles flow- Referring to the champagne perry 
  • whats your star sign?
Overall I found that the best tagline from feedback gained by peers was 'let the bubbles flow' this is because it makes sense and still refers to the original product of babycham.

Colour schemes

I have already chosen the colours in relation to the star signs. However i need to consider the colour scheme for the rest of the brand.

When looking back at my research I can see that the more popular colours when designing are black and white. Both of these colours give the impression of crispness, chic, and neat.

Red is also a good colour to use when advertising as it draws the reader in because it is a warm, bold colour.

However I then considered colours that would be suited to the brands name. Zodiac is related to the stars so i looked at using various blues and shades of grey and black. I finally decided upon using a dark blue as the main colour for backgrounds. The logo would then consist of white text and logo. As they would stand out best.

The Bottle

The Bottle design was also taken into consideration. After choosing to use clear glass over brown and green i was given a basis on what my design would begin to look like. I then considered what different styles of label could be placed on my bottle, i finally chose a design similar to the alcopop bacardi breezer. As i liked the idea of having two labels one on the neck of the bottle and one on the main body.

The shape of the new zodiac bottle would need to be considered too, I preferred the slender looking alcopop bottles apposed to the bulkiness of the cider ones. As my target market was for both genders i decided that it would be better to opt for the slimmer of the two.

To add some variety to the bottle i decided to look at other bottle designs, after looking at the brands ribena and kronenbourg, i noticed that they both had embossing on the bottles. I then decided to design my own creative embossing design which would be placed on the bottles. The design can be seen in my learning journal. It consisted of a repetitive pattern of stars (logo) and the star sign symbol from the particular drink. This pattern was then trailed randomly around the glass in a spiralling sequence.

I also consider the design for the bottle top, this would consist of the star image from the brand logo.

Diversification- Fruit flavours

When creating a new style and flavour of drink i had to consider the different flavour combinations I would used. I had decided to mix all of the chosen flavours with the existing pear flavour (perry) in order to make the products more unique and to also keep a part of the old babycham products.

I had chosen to use the following fruit combinations:

  • Pineapple + pear
  • Banana +pear 
  • Lychee + pear 
  • Grape + pear
  • Papaya + pear 
  • Kiwi + pear
  • Guava + pear
  • Passion fruit + pear 
  • Cherry+ pear 
  • Water melon + pear 
  • Grapefruit + pear 
  • Pomegranate + pear 
  • original babycham
I then picked a star sign to be placed next to each name:

  • Pineapple + pear =  ARIES
  • Banana +pear  =   TAURUS
  • Lychee + pear =    GEMINI
  • Grape + pear = CANCER
  • Papaya + pear = LEO
  • Kiwi + pear = VIRGO
  • Guava + pear = LIBRA
  • Passion fruit + pear = SAGITTARIUS 
  • Cherry+ pear = SCORPIO
  • Water melon + pear = CAPRICORN
  • Grapefruit + pear = AQUARIUS 
  • Pomegranate + pear = PICIES 
  • original babycham - the original will be called ZODIAC ORIGINAL
Each of these will also have a chosen colour to represent the particular flavour, these colours are shown in my learning journal.