Tuesday 10 January 2012

Name ideas

After looking at competitors me and andy then decided to mind map our thoughts when considering a brand name. We thought of different concepts and then used the internet for research into different ways in which a word can be said, as well as inspiration.

main concepts to consider:

  • animal names- beesting? birds of prey?
  • lambrini- changed the name of a racing car (lambargini) 
  • city name- Somerset?
  • random thoughts? Zeus juice - jooz
  • do we completely change the whole name of babycham? or just part of it? ( opal fruits were outdated so change to starburst)
  • related to the inventor- FES, shepton bubbles 
We then branched out on our ideas further with the help of the internet:

Juice related words 

using an online thesaurus i was able to look up different words for juice. I then considered different name ideas from this which are shown in my learning journal.

We looked at various cocktail names also with the use of a cocktail website.

Animal ideas:

  • oh deer
  • dark phoenix 
both of them were not suitable.

With the use of zeus juice we decided to look up mythological creatures:

Finally we decided upon a name randomly - which was Zodiac.

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