Tuesday 10 January 2012

Diversification- Fruit flavours

When creating a new style and flavour of drink i had to consider the different flavour combinations I would used. I had decided to mix all of the chosen flavours with the existing pear flavour (perry) in order to make the products more unique and to also keep a part of the old babycham products.

I had chosen to use the following fruit combinations:

  • Pineapple + pear
  • Banana +pear 
  • Lychee + pear 
  • Grape + pear
  • Papaya + pear 
  • Kiwi + pear
  • Guava + pear
  • Passion fruit + pear 
  • Cherry+ pear 
  • Water melon + pear 
  • Grapefruit + pear 
  • Pomegranate + pear 
  • original babycham
I then picked a star sign to be placed next to each name:

  • Pineapple + pear =  ARIES
  • Banana +pear  =   TAURUS
  • Lychee + pear =    GEMINI
  • Grape + pear = CANCER
  • Papaya + pear = LEO
  • Kiwi + pear = VIRGO
  • Guava + pear = LIBRA
  • Passion fruit + pear = SAGITTARIUS 
  • Cherry+ pear = SCORPIO
  • Water melon + pear = CAPRICORN
  • Grapefruit + pear = AQUARIUS 
  • Pomegranate + pear = PICIES 
  • original babycham - the original will be called ZODIAC ORIGINAL
Each of these will also have a chosen colour to represent the particular flavour, these colours are shown in my learning journal. 

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