Saturday 7 January 2012

Lecture 3

During this lecture we firstly looked at digital media processors becoming faster. We then looked at early methods of communication and formal methods of communication which I found interesting, extremely helpful and informative.

We were then set a research task that was to be completed during the session. The task was to produce a short presentation working in pairs on an inventor of communication, or someone who has had a impact on communication. We were then allotted a time slot of 2 hours to complete the task, with using the library as our only resource to gather information. As this was the first time that I had used the library for research I found this task particularly hard as i was unaware of the exact areas to look at and also how to search for the intended topic. Before heading off to the library we decided upon a chosen person for our  presentation to be based on. After deliberation we finally chose Steve Jobs as our said person.

However once we had started looking for books to reference from in the library we realised that the chosen topic had limited availability and was proving very difficult to find any information on. After wasting valuable time we then decided to change topic/person. We then chose the Radio as our topic and fortunately we were successful in finding the information. Yet we had limited time after having to change topic, so the notes that were taken down were not enough in order to create a good end presentation.

From this task I found that I have learnt how to use the library efficiently, to make sure i stick to one topic rather than changing around as time is valuable. I have also found some information that may be of some use.

We were then give another task that was to be handed in the following week this was made easier by a lecture that followed on presentations and planning pre production.

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