Saturday 7 January 2012

Introduction - week 1

The module title for this particular blog is CDME1001 communication skills for digital media. Throughout this module I will be learning how to make and present presentations, the team dynamics of communication, production as a team and also how to produce a report. Communication is essential when surviving in any industry.

During the 1st week lecture we were given an introduction to the module and what it entails, along with this we were asked to produce a short presentation within a team that consisted of us introducing each other to the rest of the group. I enjoyed doing this task as it was a creative and inventive way of getting to know one another. For the rest of the lesson we took part in a half an hour lecture, and then were given the next task that was due for the following week. We were then split into groups again where we were given time to discuss the various topics to choose from, after deliberating my group finally chose Adobe Photoshop as the topic for our presentation. We then delegated different tasks for each of us to research and create pages on for our presentation that was to be presented the following week. We also set meet times of when the group would meet up before the following session, in order to practice the presentation and to put it together.

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