Saturday 7 January 2012

revels continued

I then created a rough spider diagram which considered the different areas of research, these included:

  • history 
  • Target market- adults and children ( both genders)
  • re designing packaging _ eco friendly
  • New products - different flavours

The research was then collected for all of the above:


  • Revels arrived in the UK in 1967
  • remains a unique product that satisfies our desire for variety or risk
  • original flavours ( orange creme, coconut, toffee, peanut, galaxy counters and malteasers)
  • coconut was then replaced by coffee and peanut was replaced by raisin 
  • current flavours ( orange, coffee, raisin, malteasers, chocolate and toffee)

Some more background info:
  • 'They're in disguise' - this is the key so you cannot tell which flavour you are going to get.
  • Everyone has different favourites and a surprise is a delight
  • tag line- 'Revels are unpredictable and exciting you never know what your going to get.'
  • colour scheme has always remained the same 
ideas for new flavours:

  • Mint= green variety of colours. Different type of mint chocolates and sweets. 
  • fruits= Multicoloured packed. different fruit flavour sweets or chocolate cremes?
Eco packaging:

  • recyclable materials
  • could be made from recycled materials
  • cheaper to produce?
  • similar style/same style packets?

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